This nation, brilliantly conceived with checks and balances, survived a swing too far to the liberal left. Now, a principal and perpetual role for tea partiers now is to follow up, forever.
It is not time for dancing on departing politicians graves. Winning Congressional seats is not synonymous with winning bicameral votes on meaningful legislation, overriding presidential vetoes or tying up executive orders or other administrative gambits that forward a presidential agenda.
Thus it is essential that tea partiers master the follow through. Politics can have one hit wonders. However, during those heady moments of Hazzah and whooptedoo, powerful legislation, federal judge appointments, revisions or implementation and interpretations of statutes and executive orders can “reign down” upon a post celebration, slumbering electorate. Beware.
Tea partiers attempting to resurrect American exceptionalism must start with the end goal in mind and maintain unwavering adherence to core values because the seductive sirens’ call for compromise will come.
Follow through is a forever endeavor. Excellence in follow through can cement new standards, bring clarity and consistency by honoring commitments and in time recruit new converts to the cause.
Folks fail at follow through for many reasons: Lack of organization, incorporated cultural fear, poor communication, little experience with the fruits of courage or ownership of finished tasks and too much familiarity with just getting by. Overwhelmed or unfamiliar with change, promising projects slowly die. As organizations grow, talent is often not matched to terrain.
Follow though requires understanding opponents. Our president has little experience of profound public failure while in leadership. This is a man who distanced himself personally from loosing campaigns even as many democrat candidates distanced themselves from his policies and presence during their campaign.
This is a time to carefully observe how the president handles and defines the nature of what happened at the polls. Prior to the election, we saw ignorance of the will of the majority as regards deficit spending and the health care bill. We then saw an almost bizarrely lost opportunity in the post election press conference. Then, what Forbes magazine now describes as the second most powerful man in the world after the Chinese CEO, decided to take almost three thousand people at the cost of over $200 million dollars a day on an Asian sweep of almost two weeks. Early reports again show an American apology tour replete with bowing and disavowing American exceptionalism is once again underway.
This president will not change.
Tea partiers must follow through on the education of potential supporters and young voters that the core of progressive ideologue thinking is essentially flawed. Progressives support intrusive government laden heavy with entitlements and believe an enlightened elite using intellectual ingenuity can engineer better human behavior and expect utopian fairness as a dividend. Using either legislation or by government fiat, they hold that it is their moral duty to redistribute wealth and assets.
Tea partiers must also follow through on reminding all of us that this election turned out this way because, well, as the president said so well, "Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now… ( and that ) facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we're hardwired not to always think clearly when we're scared. And the country is scared.”
Let’s be sure tea partiers follow up and keep on the front burner how our president knows we are not that bright and even less so when we are scared. I must have missed that fabulous leadership technique in my training; blame the electorate for their dimness in failing to see your brilliance.
This president is constitutionally unable to move to the center. Let’s help him and his cronies who really do not understand our Founding Fathers, the nature of man or the meaning of American Exceptionalism make one last move; out of Washington D.C.
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