Sage student of human nature, social commentator Will Rogers opined
that there are”... three kinds of men: ...ones that learn by reading... few who
learn by observation... (and those who)...have to pee on the electric fence and
find out for themselves.” Borrowing from Lincoln, Ben Franklin and others,
Rogers continued, “Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that
comes from bad judgment”
Perhaps Mr. Obama would be wise to listen and become a student of
history rather than an orating politician or constant campaigner trying
desperately to aim blame while wrongly reconfiguring America.
During the presidential campaign, the notion of who was best suited to
answer a proverbial three a.m. “all hell is breaking loose” phone call was
raised. This worthwhile challenge to voters is predicated upon the
observation that leaders shine during the unforeseen game changers that a
non academic, non rhetorical unfair planet spins their way.
The inescapable march of history has given sufficient time to take stock
of how such phone calls were answered. The Gulf Crisis illustrates failing to
answer in a timely manner and then passing the receiver witlessly along a
telephone tree of ineptitude and indecision manifested by impotent threats of
ass kicking, finger waving, failure of commanding decisiveness and
teambuilding, scapegoating and ridiculous knee jerk reactions of attempting
to shut down off shore drilling.
This is the behavior of a top tier executive rookie who rarely repents but
in hunkering down, repeats the same shtick that brought them to the ball
complete with drama and distractions. Always, it is never their fault.
Here’s some of that phone log so far. Attempts to try terrorists in public
courts, inappropriate public prejudicial engagement in small town policematters, non expedient military stratagem against evil with outrageous
declaration of engagement withdrawal dates, padding of political parapets
with those even more extreme in views cleverly creating advisor-scapegoats
hybrids, the proffering of inexperienced but “sympathetic” fodder for our
highest court and hoping our way into an impossible situation with Iran. We
even witness a governor who can lead admonished for supporting a law that
is more moral and clear than the ignored federal one in place as the people
clamoring for secure borders are ignored for political gain.
Last week another call came in and so far has been ignored. The leading
indicator of the Household Unemployment survey fell over 300 thousand for
the second time in a row. The 6% rate of recovery has slowed to 2%; Wall
Street (which looks ahead) is worried about a double dip recession, the DJIA
plummeted despite good earnings and corporate America still holds onto over
1.7 trillion of its cash not invested in the business of business because the
government is into business it should not be.
Deficit spending has failed. It has largely been a transfer of payment,
Peter to pay Paul scheme without affecting GDP. Exemplary of lunatic further
spending is the witless notion that extending unemployment produces jobs.
No, unencumbered, directly stimulated businesses do.
We ignore history and academic peer reviewed studies showing tax
cuts aimed at capital and businesses produce over ten to one economic
benefits, accelerated business write offs garner nine to one benefits and cuts
in corporate taxes yield about a three to one return. This will remain as long
as so called small businesses are the engine fueled by the American dream.
But a monster is looming. Unless we act, the Bush tax cuts disappear in
2011. Then an entire phone bank rings all night as just about everybody will
pay more, a lot more. Shortly thereafter, the cleverly deferred huge bill for the
“not needed at that scope” health care legislation hits. Somebody, please, hold
the phone.
Erudite economist Robert Kudlow has wisely cautioned that “The currency of American politicians is the ballot box”. Vote wisely
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