Dirty Harry with a Heart and Head
Dirty Harry John Mraz has a heart for kids, knows his three R’s and has a mind for root cause analysis. Such a combination of traits may not play well in a spectacular, shoot from the hip, blood and guts cop flick, but it certainly could be a blockbuster bonanza for Fairfield. Why? Mraz, Fairfield’s frosh councilman, the tough talking, lantern jaw valedictorian of the Clint Eastwood evangelical school of kick butt, promised he would get cracking on crime before high noon. He has. In a recent Daily Republic article, Mraz, in his first official canon shot against the crime, targeted the need for a Boys and Girls Club. John stated why a Boys and Girls Club is crucial, gave out a contact phone (428 0455) and challenged the populace to form a commission. So, what of the three R’s? In undertaking this tact, Mraz showed a welcome depth of understanding that necessarily emergent decision are rare. Such haste usually demonstrates that the wrong three R’s of Rant, Rave, and React are typically destructive. However, Reason, Reflect and Respond are fruits of the well tempered mind and spirit with lasting luster and sustaining nourishment. The heart for kids part is self apparent. So, what of this so called root cause analysis I praise Mraz for? There are many root causes of crime in our fair little metropolis. It is essential, especially in a time of publicly mandated wallet watching, that far reaching, dividend paying visionary steps that address root causes of crime be undertaken. The Citizens Police Academy (428 7644), Crime Free Multi Housing, Crime Stoppers ( 644 STOP), public accountability and public praise of the police by the media, gang suppression units and the like, are all strong arms that can ensnare the many headed beast of crime. So will Boys and Girls Clubs. The data showing their cost effectiveness is overwhelming and no farther than a Google click away. Frankly, the truth of their worth is a close as the cupboard of your heart and the jewel laden treasure chest of plain old common sense. Remember, there is no “T” in reason. Mraz has grabbed the bullhorn and resurrected a time proven solution and challenge. Fairfield needs a Boys and Girls Club for all the reasons, and more, that he articulated. John’s challenge and quest is visionary, heart felt and born of minding the right three R’s. It is a prime example of intensity and passion focused in a pragmatic manner…that is leading. It is also cause for concern. We did not hear of a unanimous move by all council members in a coordinated press release with a strategic plan to go forward with this initiative; at least, not yet. Powerful personas, such as former cop Mraz can both charm and disarm. The worthy cause of a Boys and Girls Clubs will suffer if he flies this alone. We all will suffer if this announcement is fired from the muzzle of an admirably well aimed, but loose canon. Fairfield needs all the artillery in line- city council, police, educators, taxpayers, parents, civic groups and columnists to bring these clubs here. As is true of a cardinal lesson underpinning the Boys and Girls clubs, kids have to play well together in the sandbox of life or everybody ends up with sand in the most uncomfortable places and castles are never built. In short, Hazzah to councilman Mraz, and Pre-Hazzah for his cronies on the city council with whom I hope Mraz consulted and whose absence from the press release was simply because they were putting gas in the Boys and Girls Club team bandwagon. You have my support. If it’s a bake sale that does the trick for funding, I bet Daily Republic staff led by Brad Stanhope will bake the best cupcakes- that is if they can remember that one uses cake mix. …And that’s a breath of life