Every son has sacred moments with his father where unassailable truths are passed on. Sometimes, the sage advice is about each generation’s responsibility to keep the sacristy of founding fathers wisdoms unsullied.
One glorious evening with dad more than thirty years ago, it became clear that I could only hope to plumb the depths of his understanding and devotion to America. I realized that because of his personal struggle, he had built a crucible for courage of four words, “Never Surrender, Never Forget”
All gussied up in my spanking new 2nd Lt Uniform, I surprised him at General Electric’s Manhattan headquarters and watched him deftly deal with George Meany of the AFL-CIO. Later, after a few rounds of “Danny Boy” at the same named infamous watering hole, he grew misty eyed and spoke of his homeland.
He quoted Shakespeare’s Coriolanus about nations with feeble hearts having laughing enemies. He added that it’s best that others are in debt to us, as free men know charity. He warned of the danger of a society choreographing equality by predetermining results. He privately mused his oppressive past, thanked God and said, “Without the mountains, I have no sky”
The eldest son of a Gaelic gaggle from Hell’s kitchen, he knew “fairness” Squeezing my arm till it hurt; he called it “the lie of the other guy’s fault”. I was agog as he noted Orwell and quoted Hayek about powerful governments trying to “change the character of the people”. He feared a welfare state would atrophy men’s’ character. His final charge was to know the constitution and founding fathers, and “Never surrender, never forget”.
I was honored to be with him. My butter bars shined a little brighter that night and I never loved him more.
Sixty percent of us receive more in benefits than we pay in taxes. States are underfunded to pay over $1 trillion in employees' pensions and retirement benefits. Are American pensions now a bigger threat than illegal immigration?
A dangerous addiction to the self proscribed bromide of socialistic policies and outrageous entitlements has obtunded our intellects and threatens to sedate interest in the American dream.
Deficit spending has flooded the market with foreign held markers to the tune of tens of trillions. We fiddle with fabulous rhetoric as Rome burns.
Governmental solutions harbor the unbridled conceit that we peons just don’t get the crucial nuances. As one historian said, politicians ... “really do believe... they are Platonic guardians... (and) smarter than everybody else.”
Stop the spending, balance the budget, end earmarks, give the chief executive line item veto, and seriously look at broadening the tax base with a slashed top rate and flat tax around 20%. Stop the multiple taxes on all types of saving and investing and strongly consider a sales tax on net revenues while allowing deduction of investment expenses. Monetary reform is also needed linking the dollar to real value. Expand free trade. Grow, and we maybe we can fend off inevitable Fed rate tinkering.
Go after America’s natural energy and develop a balanced approach with alternatives based on economics, not “econatziomics”. Hundreds of thousands of jobs would be created, upward price pressure once global demand rekindles would abate and states could collect royalties, lowering deficits. Don’t let the EPA enact a hidden energy tax.
Bury this health care reconciliation compromise and back door nonsense. Do not buy the political feng shui and posturing this upcoming bipartisan bankrupting bingo represents.
This nation has surrendered to the notion that our strength lies in the state. Wrong; it lies in us! Never forget our Constitution and the constitution of its writers.
Dad, if you can break away from that next chorus of Danny Boy long enough, when I see ya at St Patty’s Pearly Tavern, thanks and the first one’s on me.
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