The U.S S.O.S- A Name Or A Message
The U.S. S.O.S (Ship of State) has weathered a rag tag rebellion of over gunned but not
over inspired liberty loving patriots and corralled and acculturated vast land masses. She has
wrapped her sheets around more than a hundred million immigrant dreamers, survived economic
downturns, civil war and a fistful of earth shaking global conflicts.
Barnacles and bilge included, we are better for it. Learning from our mistakes we remain
unparalleled in our generosity and impact on the quality of life globally. Yet now, we are tempest
tossed as our captains seem determined to replace the jewels in the U.S. S.O.S compass.
Previous way marks on the compass dial were jewels indeed; individual rights, low taxes,
federalism, constitutional republic, American leadership, innovation and opportunity. All are
magnets of progress, hope, liberty and wealth building. Replaced by the base metals of
“entitlement enfeeblement”, wealth redistribution, deficit spending, socialized medicine, sham
science and apologetic leadership, that compass may run the S.O.S aground. That’s been the
point of the last seven columns.
New Deal rhetoric, hysteric spending, government run medical care, alternative energy
without nuclear hybrid reactors and tapping our national fuel sources and ill advised schemes to
tease terra firm temperatures are the rocks, reefs and rogue waves that will founder us.
Nations built on notions contrary to the nature of man will never survive. Man produces,
innovates and creates, he does not haplessly hope for handouts. Labeling resources as rights will
disicentivize work.
Abraham Lincoln showed uncanny dead reckoning saying... “Governments are in the
business of helping business, they do not own them... and cannot further the brotherhood of
man... by inciting class hatred... (Or) strengthen the weak by weakening the strong... (Or) lift
the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer”
Words can betray us. Hope is not an economic method. We cannot ignore the law of
rational expectations, failing to live within our means. Change on our tax dollar is the change we
should demand. Hemorrhaging our heritage into foreign bills will force rates to rise.
The silly distraction of powerful leaders, with cookie factory blue prints and alarm codes
in their hands pathetically wide eyed whining, “What cookies?” must also stop
“Ring around the regulation, pocket full of government intervention, ashes ashes, all fall
down” could be a new medical mantra. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will consume
our budget by 2040 as a budget deficit of over $11 trillion is eclipsed by our unfunded debt of
over $56 trillion. The nine hundred plus page Cap and Trade Carbon Credit tax scheme in
Congress dwarfs an improbable Greek myth. We will be golden fleeced if it passes.
So what to do?
The presidency, not the person, is what we show the world and respect is more powerful
than affection. America is not the CEO of a UN consensus driven board. We may cut Ground-
Based Interceptors (GBI), Airborne Lasers (ABL), Multiple Kill Vehicles (MKV), and the Space
Tracking and Surveillance System (SSTS) sensor program as Korea exports missile technology,
Iran goes nuclear, the European missile defense proposal languishes, Venezuelan troops are on
Colombia’s border and Chavez is chummy with Russia. Apologize for that. International peace
fears an American vacuum or vacillation.
Enforce immigration laws, control all borders, end the non constitutional nonsense of
anchor children, enforce a national identity card, and stop rewarding law breakers and hold
American business accountable.
Yes to digitizing medicine, non punitive national medical guidelines, prevention and
outcome based practices, incentivized clinical trial enrollment and driving fitness back into the
equation of American life. Yes to provider choice.
As regards our moral compass; let’s choose: divinely inspired or morality du Jour? Let
me know how that works out for you.
Leave the jewels on the compass alone. The U.S S.O.S is a name, not a message