November third begins the early days after the midterm election when retrofitted pre election candidate positions magically undergo “results realignment.” Presuming polls and pundits are right; teetotalers who could not stand for what America was becoming now hope to see a nation return to “pledging allegiance for which it stands”.
In this fight to save America, informed intelligent commitment is a sharp sword. Thus, in these tempest from teapot times, all teetotalers must know with depth and clarity where and who they are, what they believe and how to keep American exceptionalism alive.
The stars are tarnished “O’er the land of the free” The 2010 Index of Economic Freedom lowered the ranking of the United States to eighth out of 179 nations. To no surprise; socialism repels progress and prosperity and its unrealistic promise of equivalence creates divisions and instills class warfare. However, freedom and free enterprise are magnets that attract productivity and increase opportunity. Prosperity follows.
Teetotalers hold to the bedrock truth that human nature is not changeable. Man is not perfectible through laws, statutes or great oratory. They know thinking otherwise is either thinly veiled arrogance or naiveté. It is neither cynicism nor pessimism to accept the Christian precept that self interest is one of man’s prime motivators. We thrive when governments are small and opportunity for the relatively unfettered pursuit of happiness looms large. That same imperfect nature demands a system of checks and balances that prevents the accumulation of too much power in the hands of too few.
Today’s popular catch phrase of progressive governance is not progressive. It is regressive and unoriginal. Failed attempts at its forced institution are a tale of human pain and suffering from the “new man” insanity of the French revolution, and the “Soviet Man” suffering of the 1917 Russian revolution to millions murdered under Chinese, Cambodian, Nazi and other enlightened regimes. Entitlement to something for nothing, while government takes and redistributes by fiat or force, has never worked.
In 1776, divinely inspired men articulated the why of what governance and economic system is best and by 1787 they ratified the how; the Constitution. That document is not a living, evolving, changing or out of date quaint curiosity of history. It is a sacred creed which works.
Teetotalers remind us that we must return to the core values of independence, self sufficiency and individualism which liberate private business and competitive free enterprise and lead to progress, product improvement and service.
Political Pollyannas beware. Never underestimate the power of the presidency nor condone it as a venue for performance art. Do not expect contrition or epiphany from a chief executive who circles sycophants to drone rather than question, challenge and offer ideas for change. Beyond the power of a veto, beware artful use of executive orders and end around runs by empowering agencies beyond the intent of our founders, such as EPA’s rulings regarding cap and trade without supporting legislation.
Do not look for a fair shake from the mainstream media, their penchant to prostitute for a story notwithstanding. After all, many are left leaping, leg tingling literary geniuses, cock sure that the teetotalers are; well, simply just not that bright.
Watch yourselves. Every political movement, group or even Cub Scout pack has its share of loonies, goonies and nincompoops. No leader or candidate is immune to idiocy. That is why it is the principles and the policies they drive that are the point. The Founding Fathers understood this well as there was not a sinless saint among them.
Remember good ideas come from any stripe. Reject the stinking thinking of progressives by whatever name. Keep your eye on the prize. Constitutionalism, federalism, small government, reduction of the national debt, health insurance reform and repeal of Obama care, lowered taxes and limited government top the list. Starting November 3rd , America the idea must prevail.
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